Key Features
Gas Wash Procedure Crucible loading operation introduces oxygen The Gas Wash Purge procedure removes the oxygen (1) in a very fast and efficient way and then refills back the chambers with Argon or Helium gas (2) Compared with the traditional crucible protection with flow-meter regulation the consumption of gas is dramatically reduced and the alloys oxidation is minimized Moreover the crucible life is increased: TVC series crucible last up to 250 – 400 casting cycles according to the graphite quality
Melting Advanced Self Tuning thermoregulation (AST™) with exact temperature control of the melted alloys Medium frequency induction heating stirs the melted alloy and leads to a perfect homogeneity Pulse Stirring Management (PSM™) for an extremely low frequency stirring
Injection and Compression When the stopper opens, as soon as the molten metal fills the flask, a trigger is launched to the over pressure valve which will make the gas flow enter smoothly and quickly to compress the tree during the solidification phase to reduce shrinkage porosity
Tree protection after casting After the solidification phase, the flask cools down in a protective atmosphere to avoid oxidation. A blinking lamp will signal the operator that the cycle has ended and the flask can be removed